Subjects - Århus Idrætshøjskole

Our subjects

Below, you can explore the subjects we offer at IHÅ. As a student, you’ll select subjects from all our main categories, with the exception of our special offer subjects – which, as the name suggests, are optional. These special offer subjects are typically scheduled in the afternoons, after your regular timetable has ended.

We’ve put together a diverse selection of subjects for you, including an impressive range of fantastic sports and music options. In addition, there are many other exciting subjects to choose from, ensuring you can create a timetable that suits your interests perfectly. Enjoy discovering all the opportunities we have to offer!

  • You have to choose
  • 2 Sports subjects
  • 1 Sport subject X
  • 1 Elective subject
  • 1 Folk High School subject

Trips at IHÅ

While you attend IHÅ you will have the opportunity to participate in a number of different journeys and excursions, both within Denmark and abroad. There is the opportunity to go to Club La Santa, on skiing trips, outdoor-trips and various specialist trips. We can definitely offer trips that will give you memories for life.


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