Guidelines - Århus Idrætshøjskole

gender policy

At IHÅ, we have adopted a gender policy that aims for an equal gender distribution in our long courses to ensure the broadest possible composition within our student group. Therefore, our student groups are created with a distribution between female and male students of no more than 55/45 or 45/55. Specifically, this means that we will establish a waiting list for the group that first exceeds 55% of the budgeted student number for that particular class, allowing us to try to correct any imbalance in gender distribution before the course starts. In this way, we ensure the broadest possible student group, which helps us fulfill the main objectives of our courses: enlightenment, popular education, and democratic formation. Other gender identities, such as transgender individuals, are, of course, also very welcome in our courses.


Alcohol Policy

At IHÅ, we have a few simple guidelines that we follow regarding alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs.

Alcohol: At parties and in the lounge, beer, breezers, and wine are sold, and a welcome drink is often served. At larger events hosted by the student association, light cocktails are also available. Additionally, no alcohol is allowed during weekdays, and alcohol cannot be stored in the rooms.

Smoking must take place outside the school premises.

Recreational drugs are not tolerated at the school, neither possession nor use.

policy for staff interaction with students

Staff are not permitted to have relationships or sexual interactions with students. In such cases, this may result in dismissal from the workplace. Similarly, employees should be aware that statements of a harassing nature can lead to disciplinary action.


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