If you choose fitness as one of your sports subjects during your stay at IHÅ, then you are assured of the very best basis for becoming fitter than you have ever been before! You will be trained by skilled, highly experienced instructors who are passionate about the subject. With fitness as one of your two sports subjects, you will have fitness on your timetable twice per week, but you actually have the option to choose it as both of your sports subjects, and then you suddenly have fitness four times per week! Irrespective of whether you choose it twice or four times per week, all of our fitness centre’s facilities are, of course, always available for you to use freely.

Fitness trips
While you attend IHÅ you have, amongst other things, the opportunity to travel to Club La Santa on Lanzarote where, amongst other things, we work out in wonderful surroundings in beautiful summer weather. In addition, we also have a long list of other trips which you will be able to participate in when you attend IHÅ.
There are a multitude of facilities for fitness training as a student at IHÅ. We have available the fabled Frank’s Gym, a recently built fitness centre in our Multihus, an outdoor crossfit area and our activities hall. Irrespective of whether you are in the mood to watch television on an exercise bike, or it is time for you to do the most evil WODs to loud music in the speakers, we have the place for your training.
Please see the video to gain an insight into an hour at full blast at Frank’s Gym.
Are you considering attending our school, but are in doubt as to whether it would be something for you? Then, come and pay us a visit. The best way to be certain is to feel the atmosphere, meet the people that are at the Folk High School, and see our surroundings and our many facilities with your own eyes.